Philanthropist Connor Crenshaw Discusses Easy Ways to Volunteer in Your Community

Philanthropist Connor Crenshaw recently offered several easy ways anyone can volunteer in their communities.

Volunteering is a community effort, and taking part is easy. Connor Crenshaw is an avid volunteer who spends time helping in local Baton Rouge shelters, teaching tennis to kids and even traveling as far as Nicaragua, Haiti, and Mexico to help create community growth. He recently offered several easy ways you can volunteer in your community.

“You don’t have to travel far or take on a major commitment to become a volunteer,” Connor Crenshaw said. “You can do it on a schedule that’s convenient for you in a place that’s easy to access. Every bit of help is appreciated.”

Crenshaw explained that one of the easiest ways to volunteer is through a church or community shelter. These facilities offer several volunteer opportunities, from serving hot meals to those in need to throwing charity events, and joining mission trips. These are excellent places to begin your volunteering experience because they usually have several opportunities available.

“It’s important to volunteer doing something you enjoy,” Connor Crenshaw added. “This is what makes it more enjoyable for you, the other volunteers, and the people you’re helping. You’ll quickly learn that volunteering is not anything to be dreaded. It’s something you’ll look forward to doing.”

Crenshaw suggested a way for young people to get involved in volunteering is through teaching sports or activities to kids. Summer camps and schools often need volunteers to help teach kids skills or even simply observe during recess. Connor Crenshaw currently teaches tennis to underprivileged kids through an organization called “Strong Kids for Tennis.” He explained that his experience with this organization has brought him many lifelong relationships and opportunities.

“Mentoring a child or multiple children is one of the best ways I’ve found to volunteer,” Crenshaw said. “It’s extremely rewarding, as you can see the direct impact you’re making on a person’s life. These relationships you create last a lifetime.”

He explained that Big Brother and Big Sister programs offer many opportunities for mentorship, which may involve helping a child academically, socially, and in all areas of life.

Connor Crenshaw added that the elderly are an often underserved group as far as volunteering goes. Many times, residents of nursing homes simply need visitors to come to enjoy a meal, read books, or simply spend time with them. Volunteering at an elderly home helps the facility and can make a major impact on the life of an elderly person. There’s no doubt you’ll hear some great stories too.

“Volunteering can be as in-depth as going on a mission trip to another country or as simple as gathering items to donate,” Connor Crenshaw concluded. “Every little bit counts.”